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Intervjuji z udeleženci izobraževanja BPM
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Zgodbe udeležencev izobraževanja EU Projektni vodja, on-line in v živo
On-line izobraževanja (v ANGL. jeziku)
"The ECEUPM course gave me a better understanding of many practical aspects of EU projects." V. Pesce from Italy
"The course opened up some new aspects in my personal book of knowledge on project management. It gave me the opportunity to learn certain parts that I thought I knew them. The course will give you more than you are expecting." I. Ilic from Slovenia
"The course ECEUPM has been very interesting and combined both theoretical framework as well as practical assignments. Very well structured and presented in a user-friendly format!" (online course attendee)
"Although, I had previous experience with ongoing EU projects, which helped me finish the certification fast, I found the course useful because the material was focused on other EU programs and getting the insight into different approaches and concepts of EU project management gave me some fresh ideas for improvement of our current project management practises." (online course attendee)
"I am also happy to inform you that the we received funding for a project under ERASMUS KA1-Learning Mobility of Individuals, which is largely due to the knowledge I have gained from the course." Maja from FYROM / Republic of Macedonia
"I liked a lot the experience of the course, even if it's hard to study while working. I think that the choice of giving assignments at home is very good, that's really the only way to learn!" Marta from Italy
"Although, I had previous experience with ongoing EU projects, which helped me finish the certification fast, I found the course useful because the material was focused on other EU programs and getting the insight into different approaches and concepts of EU project management gave me some fresh ideas for improvement of our current project management practices." Miha from France
"This course was an incredible learning experience – one of the most useful courses I've been on, especially with the practical advice/steps. Excellent presentation of all material, professional and very reliable learning platform. Dr. Rozman is a really knowledgeable tutor who answered all queries as the course went along. One of the best instructors I've had the pleasure of working with. Concise and clear information, all well delivered." Mr. Andreas Papadopoulos from Cyprus
Izobraževanja v živo na CPU (Gospodarska zbornica, Slovenija)
- Streznitev pred prijavo na potencialne razpise (striktno izpolnjevanje zastavljenih ciljev in obljub)
- Spoznavanje realnosti EU projektov
- Zelo dobro razložen postopek
- Informacije na enem mestu zbrane, za lažje razumevanje EU projektov
- Spoznanje stvari glede razpisnih dokumentacij
- Zelo dober pregled področja EU razpisov
- Dobra predstavitev vsebine enega razpisa
- Networking
- Poglabljanje znanja
- Možnost komunikacije in delitve znanja med udeleženci
- Všeč mi je bil start up and objectives, tako vidiš, kje bi sploh lahko začel
- Finance in riziki
Zgodbe udeležencev izobraževanja Vodenje poslovnih procesov, online in v živo
On-line izobraževanje
"Tečaj ECBPM-Foundation (Business Process Manager) mi je pomagal razširiti znanje o upravljanju poslovnih procesov in poglobiti razumevanje tega področja." M. Pichler iz Slovenije
"Postopek izobraževanja in izpita je bil enostaven in jasen. Vidi se, da so v ozadju izobraževanja strokovnjaki s področja poslovnih procesov. Možnost opravljanja izpita preko spleta je VELIK plus." (udeleženec on-line izobraževanja)
"Vsebina izobraževanja je zelo relevantna, predvsem učni modul o BPM orodjih. Tega še nisem zasledil pri drugih spletnih izobraževanjih te vrste." (udeleženec on-line izobraževanja)
Izobraževanje v živo
"Že imam vizijo kako bo izobraževanje BPM pomagalo izboljšati v bližnjo prihodnost." Inga Korlienė iz Vilnius building training centre, Lithuania
"Zelo zadovoljna." Albina Petraitienė iz Panevėžys, Lithuania
"Tomislav Rozman ve o čem govori in ima odličen pristop do poslušalcev in njihovih posebnih potreb. Izobraževanje i-VBPM mi je pomagalo bolje razumeti procese in uporabo znanja v resničnem organizacijskem svetu." (udeleženka iz Bulgarije)
"Nikoli nisem imela boljšega predavatelja. Želel je, da je vse popolno ... in bilo je več kot to. Naredil je vse, da nam predstavi gradivo na najbolj razumljiv način. Je odličen trener!" (udeleženka iz Litve)
"Predavatelj je bil odličen." (udeleženka iz Bulgarije)
"Zelo človeški pristop k poučevanju, z veliko razumevanja za posebne potrebe udeležencev. Zahvaljujemo se vam za potrpežljivost in pripravljenost za pomoč." (udeleženka iz Slovenije)
"Gospod je bil zelo prijeten in profesionalen predavatelj, predavanje je bilo obsežno, vendar zelo zanimivo. Predavatelj se je res potrudil. Vse pohvale!" (udeleženec iz Slovenije)
Usposabljanja v podjetjih
»Po zaključku seminarja lahko z zadovoljstvom ugotavljam, da je pridobljeno znanje v praksi takoj uporabno. Zmožnost predavatelja, da se je prilagodil specifiki okolja, je pohvale vredna, in občutek, da smo v zelo kratkem času izdelali koristne praktične primere, je res dober. Z izvedbo tega seminarja smo spravili znanje o upravljanju in modeliranju poslovnih procesov na skupni imenovalec, kar je za podjetje velika korist,« je povedal David Novak, Vodja sistema kakovosti in standardov, Kopa d.d., (originalna novica)
Zgodbe udeležencev izobraževanja Vodenje poslovnih procesov v visokošolskih ustanovah, online
On-line izobraževanje (v ANGL. jeziku)
Research & Development
- Assignments are very practical, easy to understand, and require sufficient scientific knowledge.
- Everything was ok. Everything we had to do was explained properly.
- It was systematically very good structured.
- Nice materials. I appreciate the links.
- I find it great to have a webinar recording, so we can hear and read all the materials.
- Thanks for the very thought provoking and interesting questions and material. Was indeed very useful as we can see how much effort has been put to break up and bring in the
- Studying processes in a streamlined and well defined model. Very useful.
- I can learned and this material used at my work.
- It is very well thought and designed.
Teaching processes:
- The presentation was clear, properly emphasizing the key issues related to the teaching processes. I enjoyed it!
- Everything was great. Everything we had to make was easy to understand and to write our opinion.
- I found all the processes and discussion regarding teaching processes very useful.
- Handout material together with discussion forum broadened my horizon on this key particular key process area and made me enquire internally in our university teaching processes since I am not closely related to the area as a student billing accountant.
- You have started nice discussions in forums. Thanks!
Management processes
- It was very useful to get insight of all the processes and clear distinction of managerial and supporting processes.
- Excellent slides, handouts, and forum moderation. Thanks!
- Thank you for your efforts to familiarize participants in details with process groups of management and supporting elements. This platform makes me feel more engaged in a few business processes and belonging to our institution.
- Excellently mapped and designed -thank you for the material and questions - helped us a lot.
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